Cool Glaive shooter style gamplay, short game, not much substance, still good starter game for under $10.
User Rating: 7 | Dark Sector PS3
This is deffinetly a game you muct buy first when you get a PS3 or Xbox360, I say this because when you play anything else on the console this game loses some of its magic. The gameplay is solid, you have this attatchment called a Glaive that you throw like a bommerang and it cuts peoples heads, arms, legs any body part you want. You can also slow time down and focus where you want the glaive to go. Its actually pretty stunning. The graphics aren't that bad it has a Resident evilish charm to it. HOwever there really isn't anything else to the game, the glaive and electricity are the whole game. There is no multiplayer and the replay value isn't that great. Basically this game is perfect for 1st time players to the colnsole's. Also since the game is only $10 its a good game to buy and at least play through it once.
Overall: Good bargain at $10, best for those that aren't accustom to superior gameplay and solid story. The gameplay is traditional Resident evil (over the shoulder), and pretty solid. However not much substance or replay value or anything over then Glaive combat.