Dark Sector is a game that starts off slow and goes on to become a very satisfying and destructive third-person shooter.

User Rating: 8 | Dark Sector X360
This game is interesting in many ways. First: it introduces a weapon called the glaive. Which is a three pronged boomerang weapon. When thrown it can destroy and disembowel soldier and zombie alike. Doing this is satisfying in a sick way, I love it. The game starts off in a flashback, where you learn the elements of the shooting and some of the broken storyline (Yes broken). I haven't paid much attention to the storyline. I am just enjoying everything else. the sounds of the Lasrian soldiers screaming is an all too regular sound to me. The "Black Market" which is the store of the game offers significant gun upgrades. On another subject, the graphics are what you'd expect for a high definition game console, with smooth and darkly chilling textures and areas. Overall, this game is amazingly fun and one of my favorite games, apart from the storyline.