A decent shooter that's worth checking out.
GAMEPLAY (8.0) - While you will be doing a fair amount of basic shooting Dark Sector's big selling point is the use of the glaive. The glaive is sort of a combination ninja star /frisbee /boomerang that not only effectively slices your enemies but can gain elemental powers such as fire, ice and electricity if it is thrown through an appropriate source, such as sparking electrical outlets or blazing bonfires. As you progress you'll gain additional powers such as the powerthrow which increases the force of your throw and aftertouch, which will enable you to guide your glaive around obstacles. This becomes important not only for combat but also for puzzle solving when something far away needs to be hit and your glaive is the only option. Most of the time these puzzles work but there were a few times where it became a bit frustrating to guide the glaive as it is not as responsive as I would have liked. The enemy AI worked well as they would take cover and attempt to outflank you.
GRAPHICS (9.0) - Overall the graphics are quite impressive. The environments are actually pretty similar to Gears of War', which means lots of crumbling architecture and a real post-apocalyptic look. Unfortunately this also means that many times you'll be in areas that are dark and drab, which makes sense but doesn't add much to the excitement. Characters are well-rendered, with the only exception being the protagonist's face, which has an odd, too-round look to it. However, the only time you'll notice that is during the cutscenes.
AUDIO (8.0) - Decent, though nothing out of the ordinary. You'll hear plenty of screaming from enemy soldiers as they are sliced byt the glaive as well as grunts from the attacking mutants. Other than the cutscenes there is very little conversation. The music, while not memorable, does its job in setting the mood.
VALUE (8.0) - This should take between 8-10 hours for completion, about average for a shooter. Considering how cheaply you can now get this game it should be a bargain for anyone that purchases it. There are a couple of multiplayer modes as well as the usual higher difficulty.
SUMMARY - As with most shooters, this is not a game you're going to buy for the story. That's not to say the story is terrible, but certainly nothing you're going to compare with Metal Gear Solid. There's an interesting mix of science-fiction, horror and politics that gets the job done. Given its now affordable price and enjoyable action-shooter elements I'd give this a recommendation for fans of the genre.