For $9 its worth it, good game to pick up and kill sometime.
The gameplay is pretty decent, you can throw your blade or glaive as a weapon and it can do a variety of things. It can be thrown to pick up weapons and can have elemental effects like fire, electricity and ice. It has a cool aftertouch effect which you can throw it and it players will be able to manual control where the glaive goes. Directing into enemies heads, arms, legs, etc. As well as taking out more than one enemy at a time, and it also can be used to scout ahead or solve a variety of puzzles. The glaive can cause some pretty awesome gore infested finishers. You can also use guns such as pistols, machine guns and shotguns. But using the glaive is much more fun than using un-accurate guns. Enemies are pretty standard using cover just like you and every so often you can face some bosses. Throughout the game you face human soldiers and mutated people and creatures all affected from a wide spread sickness that you are trying to stop. The graphics are probably the best part, they are pretty good. Everything is detailed and creepy looking and dark. As well as the gore
This game can give you a good 15 hours of gameplay and it does have an online. But don't believe it to be something good, very few people play it, like 2-15 people worldwide at most. The two game modes are pretty boring infection and epidemic. Infection one player plays as Hayden the guy with glaive and everyone else trys to kill him. Epidemic each team has a Hayden and the opposing team must kill the opposing Hayden. There pretty dull games, so don't expect much. The game has a decent singleplayer, bad online play but it's only $15 new or $9 used and for $9 its a good game. I recommend it to someone who feels like trying something new, or likes creepy looking games. It's good enough to rent but it's probably the same price to buy it used.