Dark Sector is a good action game, but how well does it compare to other action games these days?

User Rating: 7 | Dark Sector X360
Dark Sector was one of the first games to be announced on the Xbox 360 and PS3. But the game never showed up at launch of ant other time around then. In March of 2008 Dark Sector came out. But does the game live up to is hype?

Dark Sector's story is that you an agent named Hayden. You are sent to kill someone but you get infected with some sort of disease that changes people into zombies or these weird mutants. You then set out to find who is responsible and kill him, before he turns every in the world to mutants. Dark Sector's story is one of the weak parts of the game. It is confusing and does not give you a lot of back story on any of the characters. One of the things that make the story worse is that they keep bringing in new characters without giving you enough information on the previous characters.

What type of game is Dark Sector? Dark Sector is the child of Gears of War and Resident Evil 4. It combines combat like Gears of War and tries to be scary like a Resident Evil. Dark Sector's combat works really well compared to other games. You run up to a wall and talk and then pop out from cover to take a few shots and the get back into cover. The shooting mechanics in Dark Sector work really well, but still games like Gears of War and Uncharted have better shooting mechanics. There are also a few tank missions thrown in that are kind of fun, but they have weird controls to them.

Dark Sector does have a little spin on its combat. You have a weapon called the Glaive. The Glaive is like a Frisbee that has blades. It is thrown like a boomer rang, because, the Glaive always comes back to you after you are done. The Glaive gets power ups, like the ability to steer it in the air. It is a cool weapon and can be used to perform very brutal finisher moves. But the blade does not change Dark Sector enough that it gets its own identity, and simply adds a small game play tweak to a simple third person shooter.

The enemies in Dark Sector range from normal soldiers that just shoot at you or carry big shields and machetes and mutants that charge at you with hammers and these weird mutants that look more like aliens and shoot these leasers at you. The normal mutants with the hammers have to be one of the most annoying enemies in a game, Yu will be trying to solve a puzzle like turning something and since the mutants sometimes keep respwaning at certain points so every time you try to do something, they will just grab you and you will have to mash of button to throw them off.

The graphics in Dark Sector look really good. The textures look amazing and the environments look really good. This is a very nice looking game.

The sound in Dark Sector is Average. The voice acting isn't very good, but it isn't terrible. The sounds sound alright, but there really isn't mush of a reason to turn on your surround sound while playing this.

Dark Sector does have its problems. There are a lot of glitches. Sometimes dad bodies will float in the air of enemies will get stuck in doors. This game should of not had so many glitches, especially since it was in development for so long.

Once you beat Dark Sector's 8 hour long single player, there is a multi player. The multi player has two different modes. One is Epidemic, where a person is a super mutant and everyone has to kill him whoever kills him becomes him. There is another mode call Pandemic. There are two teams, each with their own mutant. Everyone else on the team is a normal soldier. The goal is to kill the other team's mutant. As long as the mutant is alive, every one else can spawn. Once you kill the other team's mutant you win. The multi player might be the weakest park of Dark Sector. The mutants in the multi player feels over powered, because they can turn invisible of generate a shield. There are only two modes and a fistful of maps. Not a lot to keep you playing for about 2 hours. You will soon be bores and will want to jump back into the multi player game you where playing before. Over all Dark Sector's multi player isn't the reason to pick up the game.

If you like action games and you have 10 bucks to spend, then you may want to give Dark Sector a try. If you don't like action games then save that 10 bucks, Dark Sector will not change your mind.