Bog standard shooter is given a different dynamic to set it apart from other standard shooters.

User Rating: 8.5 | Dark Sector X360
Despite being in the shadow of the many other action games from the same era, it is actually a pretty a solid shooter with the added extra of using the glaive to dispatch enemies. The glaive has a few different uses although its main purpose is for taking down enemies. With a range of ways to use it including electricity and fire, it certainly is a more entertaining weapon than any of the actual guns.

As well as that the game looks amazing! There are very few instances where the game doesn't look smooth and the lighting/element (fire/electricity) effects are generally top notch. It's not the most difficult game in the world, it takes a few tries on some of the later missions, but for the most part as long as you have bullets in your gun and some space to manoeuvre then you can get through most situations.

The spawning of enemies isn't quite so obvious in this game but I think it still exists. Sometimes the enemies never seem like they'll stop coming unless you actually advance through the level. As health regenerates pretty quickly it often means just sprinting through firing enemies and then get to cover quickly on the other side of the set piece.

The one downside to the later part of the game is it's less strategic as the enemies become faster and stronger and there are fewer soldiers around. This means that there's no point hiding behind cover any more as they'll always find you! The upside is that even later in the game I still never got tired of the seemingly repetitive enemies.

I really did enjoy the game and in the end the lack of a story barely made an impact as it just meant the action never let up. I think it's a pretty underrated game that didn't seem to get much hype before its release but turned out to be a very solid game and the glaive never got old to use.