I don't get into what makes this game good, just what makes it bad and a piss off.
1) Terrible and inconsistent AI
2) Online? What online, unless you were there for when game was released this mode became useless (remember game revolves around this).
3) Combat is a pain in the ass on the PC, the instructions are for a 360 controller but you are forced to solely rely on keyboard, can't even configure for wasd + mouse properly.
4) Dodging, tumbling, anything to avoid damage is overly awkward to perform. Which is further made harder/sloppier due to a poor target lock on camera.
5) Inability to gauge difficulty of a mob leads to loss of souls(exp) which is then permanently lost because something stupid will happen.
Overall, this game required a LOT of persistence and determination to put up with it's flaws in order to enjoy what is a mediocre story. You will get stuck in one area for what feels like hours, grinding your way back to a boss simply because you die due to one of the games shit mechanics. Overall save system is the real issue. Progress is too easy to lose, even if you play incredibly passive you can die to something stupid. You waste so much time traveling the same place over and over again for no reason except that you died and have to travel it again, at least let me restart from the boss battle, from 2 hours before it.