Truly an amazing game even if it's not for everyone.
This is also one of the few games where I was no able to find a single design decision which didn't fit: everything that is in the game complements it perfectly. A few minor lag issues in a few areas of the game could be improved, but other than that I really can't think of anything that would make it better.
Not to mention that this game incorporates quite a few elements that are rarely seen in games, and does so successful. Starting form its unique multiplayer experience, the match to which I have never seen in an RPG game, to the creative storytelling this game it unique in every single way. You can see that it's not afraid to be different from other games, and doesn't aim to simply imitate the mechanics of successful franchises which is what truly makes it great. Some might say it doesn't have a story, but indeed it does, it is just told in a way where you have to speak to different people and read item descriptions to connect the story together.
Overall, this is easily the most innovative game of 2011 hands down, and it is innovative in a great way. As long as you are not:
1) Easily frustrated (probably what turns most people off this game)
2) Really bad at video games (as long as you are at least decent and as long as you are patient this game will "teach you" how to be good through countless deaths, thus saying "this game is too hard to beat is generally invalid)
As long as you are neither of the above, don't miss out on one of the best titles of the year. In fact, I would go as far as too say this is the GOTY for me, despite the other great games like Skyrim, Portal 2, and Gears of War 3)