Prepare to die - a lot. But have an amazing amount of fun!
I was however enthralled about playing a game which is designed to infuriate. But there's more to it than that.
Dark Souls makes you care! There is genuine tension when you enter combat, knowing that the punishment for failure could set you back 10 - 20 minutes. (even more if you take risks.)
The satisfaction of taking down an enemy for the first time or unlocking a special weapon or piece of armour is more than any game of its generation.
The game is vast and the 'learn by your mistakes' style of gaming is refreshing.
The interaction with others going through similar ordeals is also a clever idea.
From software have gone out on a limb and made a game differently to other 360 titles. They deserve high praise!
Oh the humanity of it! It's a game by grown ups for grown ups- highly recommended!