THIS is why I am a gamer!
If you're like me, you keep hoping that some MMO will be made one day that focuses entirely on the sort of huge, treacherous dungeons that used to exist only in the world of Everquest; places like Sebillis, or Karnor's, or Velk's Labyrinth. Well, "Dark Souls" is just one…big…dungeon crawl.
This is most definitely NOT for the casual gamer. The reviews mention it, I know, but here it is in a nutshell; if you don't like to start over again…and again…and again…. "Dark Souls" is quite possibly one of the most brutally painful games you will ever play. You're going to die. Terribly, terribly often. And when you do, you start over and all the monsters you defeated previously have respawned. You can't "zerg" your way through the game.
This one will kill you, spit on your corpse, cross its arms, and stare you down.
And I would not have it any other way.
EDIT: I would just like to go on record as saying that anyone, and I mean anyone who uses the term "fanboy" or, even worse, "fanboi", even just ONE time, when describing someone who likes and/or defends a game is a monumental mouth-breathing idiot.
Thank you.