Dark and has Soul.....what more do you want!
Gameplay: Precise combat, huge amount of customisation and fantastic level design.
Sound: great sound effects and boss battle music makes you feel nervous and sometimes scared....mind saying that you should be when you see the sise of them in this game and youll be even more terrified when they unleash holy hell on you and kill you dead in a matter of seconds.
My thoughts: Fantastic game, really draws you in with its charm and even though you will die over and over etc you keep getting back up for more punishment. Great level design means it never gets old and the enemies you will face have been designed well and keep things from going stale. Youll visit various locations and meet and great various allies and demons through your adventure. The ability to go where you want when you want is great idea and one that i think deamon souls was missing. This is now an open world game, although the game will nudge you in the right direction. Believe me if your going the wrong way your gunna end up dead and pretty quickly.