Instant classic for dedicated RPG gamer. Buy it, experience it, gather your wits after what looked simple kills you..
Enjoying the challenges, great graphically. Wish It came on PC so I could take advantage of my M17x.
The team have added more to the game for me and I am constantly intriuged as to what is around the next corner and behind the next door. this is trully immersive gaming.
The inventory system is much better that Demons Souls. The story line I have experienced is starting to drag me in, and I am looking forward to my next session.
Like many others I hate the targeting system when it causes me grief, generally works fine and allows the user to progress.
Overall a great game and a must for the dedicated RPG fan that feeds the RPG need while being just fun for those that appreciate old school gaming.
Instant classic for dedicated RPG gamer. Buy it, experience it, gather your wits after what looked simple kills you..