I charged forth, sword ready, eyes burning, throwing everything I had at this game! The game wasn't impre
Of course there are a few issues, for instance, the graphics aren't amazing compared some of the recent RPGs going, and there are a few glitches that can really throw you off but these are very rare, i think i got 2 or 3 in my entire time playing it. The online is great. You can talk to other players, not directly of course, but you can leave them little hints and tips (I found a secret route thanks to one guy. Thank you whoever you are.)or just plain gibberish if you want. You can watch how other players died, and some of them are funny
You can get players enter your world and help you out in this great co-op mode, which can really turn the tables (see how they like that!), but you also can get players enter who want to kill you. Cuz my day wasn't bad enough. I'm not keen on this idea of "invading" a player's world mainly because the guy being invaded doesn't know what the eff is going on anway, and having up to three (yes 3) other players trying to slow you down can just be depressing, especially to a new player to the series like meh. But you know, thats my problem, I don't like gang bangs when I'm the er... guy who ..doesn't want to be there... yeah
Ok so to sum it all up. This game seriously needs more publicity as I didn't even know it existed until it was in my Xbox. It is a without doubt great game and more people need to know about it... Unless they already do and I've been living under a rock... In which case don't bother them, or they'll just get all outta whack (they wouldn't let me swear so I'll 90's lingo them)
What was I saying?
Oh yeah Dark Souls. I say give this game the chance it deserves and play it. If anything, you just have to experience it. The Gamer inside you needs to experience it. do it.