From Softwares second Souls game just transcends its predecessor and stands as a true RPG masterpiece.

User Rating: 9.5 | Dark Souls X360
Dark Souls is a true masterpiece all the way through. It is a fantastic gaming experience from start to finish. When you first start off, you're not explained what's going on, nor what you should be doing here. But you start putting the pieces together, and much because of this very laid back story telling, Dark Souls forces you to involve and take interest in every single detail in this dark mysterious world. I can honestly say that no RPG has ever quite sucked me in like From Softwares Souls games.

Running around in this beautiful landscape, hearing only your footsteps and the blowing of the wind, makes the enemy around every corner feel even that more threatening. And I can asure you, they are threatening. From the smallest insect and weakest undead to fire breathing dragons and giant soldiers the size of sky-scrapers, everything can kill you in Dark Souls. If you're not focused going up against a wasp, you will die, and one small miss-step will often see you falling to your death.

Dark Souls looks, sounds, and plays great. And this land of Lordran is a seamless, beautiful and living world that features one of the most amazing castles I've ever explored, simply perfect. And I can't explain how great it feels to stand on top of it wearing an epic armor, having fought for every single step there, and knowing that though you are going to die many hundred times more, scream out of pain and sweat till you can barelly hold the controller, you are going to finish this and destroy every last demon.

Fantastic world. Many different armors and weapons, with a ton of upgrades. About 50+ hours of gameplay first time through. Many hidden treasures to explore.

Could have wished for some sort of tutorial on the online gameplay.