I'm done with this game. In the end I was just hoping I'd wake up from the nightmare that is Dark Void.
Well now come the release. This is a cover based shooter with a guy strapped to a Jet Pack...with minimal use. The game was advertised as a fly around on a jet pack!
Great well the first 4-5 lvls I'm running around doing cover based crappy game design.
The cover mechanics even suck harder. How many times did I die hidden behind cover to straight on enemy fire...I went to public school...so being able to count that high isn't one of my better skills.
Then when I get a Jet Pack I get to use it for jumping to ledge to ledge, cover to cover...what fun! You mean I get to hover around in tight spaces shooting at robots. When can I let this beast out of the cage? Not for a few more lvls, its time for more inverted/side ways cover mechanics...oh ok.
Somewhere around lvl 6 they finally let you fly..yes actually fly..I'm serious you fly and take on 2 waves of 3 enemy fighters. Settle down you crazy cats we're in for one hell of a dog fight....not so much.. why? Because the flying mechanics suck hard too.
The target retical is so f'ng jerky I wanted to throw my controller at the screen. It's also damn near impossible to get behind an enemy fighter. They fly so close behind you...why so close?...We'll get to that.
You can't get being these fawkers. You boost straight out flip around.. "ok here they come", awwww, sorry the jacked up jerky targeting system has boned you again as the enemy zooms right past you. Now I understand why all the enemies are on your ass...so you can hit the "B" button. Mini sequence time! hold b, dance around, fighter flips, tap xyz button, go back to holding b...fun I know.Ok maybe the next lvl will be a little more action
Nope...time to hit the ground running on some escort mission with ..you guessed it cover mechanics. I finished out the lvl and was treated to some character back-story, but I no longer cared.
Who cares about characters when you can't even get the game right. I realize people worked hard making this game, but you'd think they'd work hard on delivering a fun and exciting game which would was built on the main selling point. Jet Pack.
There's an item upgrading system which is fair at best. I did notice the Jet Pack lvl 3 upgrade has missiles...this must be when flying gets fun. If you don't run out of game play or patience before you can save up enough to get um. ehh I'm done with this game in the end I was just hoping I'd wake up from the nightmare that is Dark Void.