Something you play to chill out and kill some time. But... have got a feeling like I'm just playing a demo.
It's not a game with thrilling story. I think no one will argue with that.
You're checking your plain before you take off and you meet your old friend. Your plain crashes somewhere in the jungle or ruins (don't remember). You encounter aliens, and you start shooting. After shooting some aliens you separate with your friend. It's sad a little, but after that you find a fine replacement for your friend. A toy you always wanted. Yeah. The Jetpack. It's a momment when you forget about the story, just rising in the skies.
One of the side characters mentioned something about 'Adepts'. He said they are people, who can use their hidden potential. But he didn't say how they use it, it's... What he said is just not enough. Plot should give me the real answer to question. "What the hell are those adepts?" "Hey, I'm kinda tough guy. Maybe I'm adept, and I just don't know it yet?" It pisses me off a little.
Air combat is terrific. I don't understand all those people who say that fly controls on PC suck. Steering that jetpack by mouse is great. All you have to do is increase mouse sensitivity a little, and it "Flies like a dream". Just like Will(main hero) said.
You can also hijack enemy ships, but i prefer flying by jetpack. It gives more freedom.
There's a mission. The first mission with jetpack. When you have to fly through that tunnel after helping *spoiler* with killing that *spoiler*. You can base jump through first part of that tunnel.
It disappointed me. When I was falling i didn't feel a real speed of that. I've had a feeling i just fall... slowly.
Ground combat is great too. I didn't played a lot of TPSes but I enjoyed it. There are few weapons which you can upgrade what makes gameplay more fun. I wish there were more weapons. You can also use your jetpack in ground combat, to fly somewhere if you wish. You can use it anytime, anywhere and any way you want.
Enemies are cool. They are well designed. I really like them. They look good.
It's another important part to me. They are like robots. I prefer to make robots explode than kill people and watch their unreal-looking blood. Realistic shooters are far from reality. That's why I don't like them.
Bosses. There aren't much bosses. About three types if I remember well. There should be more.
Single Player is really poor. 7 hours of campain is not enough! I finished the game and what now? I want more! I have a feeling that producers were not convinced if game will sell. After finishing campain all left to do is play again to earn points and upgrade all the weapons you have(actually I'm still doin' that).
Soundtrack was pretty good. I actually liked it. Game with good soundtrack is really rare. Most of the games have got soundtrack which just don't pay my attention. But not in Dark Void. I can't say a bad word about it.
Anyway, I really enjoyed playing Dark Void. It was something new to me. It's fun, it looks good, it sounds good, it is good. I wish there would be a sequel. I give 8 to this title, for all that fun it gave me.