Dark Void is frustrating and inexperienced; and yet, I couldn't help but have fun with this moderately exceptional game.
Shooting works and adds fun to the flying
Flying (For The Most Part) Works
Solid Graphics
Interesting Idea
Great Level Design
Vertical Gameplay Works
Good Replay Value
Just Plain Fun
Sequel Is Possible
Some Flying Mechanics Are Difficult
Cliche Story and Characters
Story Feels Rushed
Battles Are Either Too Hard or Too Easy
Occasional Bugs, Glitches, and Crashes
Nolan North Is An Odd Choice For Protagonist
Let's get something straight......
From the very beginning, I didn't have faith in this game. None whatsoever. From the moment I laid eyes on this game I felt it wouldn't be anything special. Does anyone else get that feeling inside of them?? When they see a certain title and say to themselves "Wow, thats gonna blow"? ....Yea.....well that was pretty much me and this game. From the premise to the shooting, I was unimpressed...so I let the game slip from my memory and let it focus on more important titles coming (at the time) like Heavy Rain.
Then, one day, I happened upon my local library's gaming section (My library offers us patrons the ability to rent games from their collection, I don't know if anyone else's does too). And while browsing the selection, I saw Dark Void......oddly enough I had forgotten the title even existed until I saw it there right in front of my eyes. At first, I didn't really care at all about it. But then, I thought I could increase my amount of trophies my playing the game. So, going against previous predictions, I decided to give the title a try.
Well, now I am fully knowing of what Dark Void truly feels like I can now confidently say I was both right and wrong on the subject. Dark Void is definitely fun. Although not too original, it still works in the end. But it is also frustrating and cliche. Where was I to go on the matter. What side to take?
First thing first is if the game looks good right? Well, maybe not to those who play a Wii or still use their PS2 for all their major gaming necessities, but other than those great majority of folks, there are us regular people. Yes the game looks good. Is it the best? No. Is it in the Top 10? No. Does it at least look good enough? Yes. The environment are admittedly very nice to look at. Unfortunately, you'll be too focused on the gameplay itself to look at these nice environments. But still, thumbs up for the effort.
Shooting works, cover system isn't really needed; but people probably would have complained if they didn't at least give them something. Hell, maybe not.
People have been calling the game's shooting run-of-the-mill....I honestly fell that whenever I play another shooter, its somehow its own shooter and in no way run-of-the-mill....so i was no affected by that. Flying works for the most part, though some flying mechanics take effort and time to master. I have yet to fly into one of those cramped areas, hovered, and began to shoot all those around me (Like the trailer lied to me saying that I could so do that)
Score is really nice. Used at the right moments, adds effect and mood to the rest of the game. Dropped out a few times though...so not perfect.
Cliche, rushed, and confusing. Characters Sometimes even laughably stupid. Still, its not terrible. Uninspired at worst, but decent enough at best.
Replay Value:
Moderate to High. Trophies easy, yet challenging enough to come back to. Also, there are those add on mission thingys if your curious.
Final Verdict:
Overall, I had fun with Dark Void. Sure, it has a good number of flaws that keep it far from perfection right now; but it does enough right to make it worth getting at a low price (I believe its at $20 right now at GameStop). Even with all the holes it has, it actually leaves itself pretty well for a sequel; which could turn out pretty well if done right. Hey, I had fun doing some zany flying maneuvers and kills in mid-air, and thats really all wanted out of it. Enough fun to recommend. Although the recommendation isn't very high, its still there. Its definitely worth a look.