Don't believe the rating-this game RULES!

User Rating: 9 | Dark Void X360
Why anyone would give this game anything lower than an 8 is just plain crazy. Not only is this adventure classic (yeah, I called it classic!!) non-stop fun and clever, the graphics and game-play are TOP notch! Airtight have created a very sophisticated, but easy to figure out engine here. It plays like a shooter, but than adventure robs the spotlight. If you have play PS3's Game of the Year Uncharted 2, this game will resemble it an MANY ways. The climbing and maneuvering are almost identical-addicting and SO fun! The shooter perspective is also very entertaining and keeps you alert and ready for more. I can see a few reasons why so many reviews have shot this down. One, it's a little tricky to figure out flight BUT, before you truly engage and full on flight battles, they'll train you slowly through the beginning missions how to use the pack successfully and tactfully. Second, the story is a little lost, BUT WHO CARES-I'm flying around-WHEREVER I WANT and killing numerous robots and alien monsters, discovering hidden "items," shooting all kinds of weapons from all different angles, dodging death at almost every turn....need I say more? I got this game for a low price when GameStop had a sale, and thought, hey, I'll give it a shot-NOW, I can't put it down, and am looking forward to beating it and starting all over on a higher difficulty setting-SO UNDERRATED! Enjoy this bad-butt game, it's unique and under the radar, just like I like 'em!