The hype surrounding this game made everyone excited. Oh how dissapointed we were.
As you can see, a game described by a measly three letter word isnt much to be excited about. And you are right. Its nothing special. Just like the word: Meh.
I bought this game for one reason. I never tried a game that looked different. If it was an RPG, I considered buying it, but when it came to shooters, I would only buy known titles. So when I saw Dark Void, I made a decision. I needed to try out other games, not just known titles. So I saw Dark Void and thought: "Ah what the hell, its pretty cheap".
And for a 12 euro game, it wasnt the worst. But if I had paid full price, I would be banging my head off a table. The game starts off incredibly badly, and from the start to the end, the story is stale and confusing. The graphics are....Mediocre, and the voice acting is okay. The main protagonists voice is played by the same guy that did the voice of Nathan Drake from the popular ps3 game series: Uncharted. But if capcom were trying to match that game, they failed miserably.
The first three missions are done quite badly. Its just the some old third person shooter: Sit in cover, fire a few clips into the enemy. Run forward. Rinse and repeat. The mission entitled "The Village" just shows how lazy the developers are. The mission consists of this: You walk up two flights of stairs, have a fifteen second talk with villagers, walk for three seconds, talk to another guy for 5 seconds. Thats the entire mission, and you get 15 gamerpoints for it. I just gave you a step by step guide and left out nothing. The developers had a perfect chance to develop the shallow story, maybe make a backstory for the villagers, or talk about the enemies. But no. 2 minutes, 15 gamerpoints.
When you get the jetpack, the gameplay changes slightly, but not enough not shake things up. You spend a mission or two with it, then the game changes entirely. You discard your jetpack for a fully fledged rocket pack. The rocket pack has two modes: Hover and Fly. In hover, its just like a more powerful version of the jetpack. With Fly however, the game turns into a dogfighting game, similair to games like Crimson Skies, or Tom Clancys: Hawx.
The change in gameplay isnt enough though. Its all been done before. It reminds me of Resident Evil 5. Capcom just recycled some things from older games, and said it would do. Lets just hope this rocketpack powers down soon enough, shall we?