Dark Void is a game that you'll play, beat, & forget that it ever existed.
PROS: Flight Missions are FUN! Ground missions are playable. Soundtrack is awesome.
CONS: Relatively Boring Story. Game can be beaten in 3-4 hours. The game is too easy, even on hard mode.
The first thing i would like to discuss is the graphics, there not good, but there not bad either. The framerate seems to stutter a lot during cut-scenes, and even when theres a whole bunch of **** going on.
What made this game for me though, was the excellent soundtrack composed by Bear McCreary. Thumbs Up for this composer! But enough jabbering about that, lets discuss the gameplay.
We got Gears of War style ground levels, which is, actually, forgivable, because Gears of War kicks @$$, so thats a positive, but the Friendly AI in this game has problems, it will sometime shoot walls, and sometimes run into them. But i only seem to find this problem only on the Easy mode. But only one problem, the whole game is easy! So either the Friendly AI is useless.
But the flight missions were downright fun! Nothing like flying in a jetpack, shooting and hijacking enemy ships. YAHOO!
Dark Void is A game that you'll play, beat, & forget that it ever existed, because The game itself is incredibly short, a 3-4 hour is something that i think, we can all agree on, TOO SHORT! Yet i paid only $19.99. But back then, it was, i think, full price! But as time goes by, i can except of what its worth and cheap-buy it, or just rent it, because it'll be over before you'll know it.