Despite popular opinion, Dark Void isn't really that bad of a game. But, it does have certain experience ruining flaws.
The primary issues that held this game back from being great for me were the shotty flight controls and camera...and when a good 80% of the overall gameplay revolves around that aspect, that's not very good. When either flying with the jetpack or other flying vehicles, its very hard to consitantly follow your targets in dogfights do to there being a very poor lock on feature. When I was locked on to enemies, most of the time they were either always behind me, under me, above me, or some other unreachable region of the screen that made it easier for them to attack me. Chasing down an enemy while in flight was an even bigger plain. The camera would flips around so much during the chase that its very easy not only for your target to shake you, but to literally not know which side is up and to run into environmental hazards such as mountains or water. Don't eat before playing this game because all the spinning the cameras do could make you sick. In addition to that, when hijacking certain vehicles in midair, there's still a chance that it can hit a mountain or building and kill you in the process! It was also pretty difficult to shoot ground enemies in mid-flight while controling any airbound vehicle.
Storywise, it was a bit concise and could have been elaborated on a little more. The characters definately had personalities but the game just never took the time develop them further. Overall, I feel the game could have been a tad bit longer than it was as well.
My Breakdown:
What's Good:
- Nice musical score (gave it theactrical vibe)
- Cool Weapons
- The melee finishers are pretty grewsome
- Cool button sequences when fighting bosses and larger enemies
- Awesome concept
What's Not-So-Good:
- They weapon arsenal could've been a bit larger
- The game is kind of short
What's Bad:
- Terrible flight camera
- Terrible flight targeting
- The story is a bit concise
- Having to worry about environmental hazards when hijacking enemy vehicles
In all, the ground combat in Dark Void can be an enjoyable experience for fans of the shooter genre, however the headache inducing flight combat and concise story will ruin the experience for many others.