What the.... skittles....??
Yeah... skittles....
This is like one of those "send in four proof of purchases and get a FREE GAME" games that no "true gamer" would ever touch with a pole shorter than a PS3 line.
But I didn't know that when I bought the game. All I knew was that it was cheep, and I'll try anything if it's cheep.
I'm trucking along, chick, nerf herder, wants to be "something more". (no not really). So, you run into bad dudes, and find this rune with an 'S' on it.
"Heh, that looks like a... hehehe..."
Find the old sage chick, find out about ancient evil. You've all heard this before.
"But how can a little girl like me possibly fight Evilus The Evil (Not his real name. I forget.) What's this rune do?"
Wait for it...
"That's a SKITTLE!!"
I nearly fell out of my chair. I really didn't know. I was shocked. I was laughing. It was a brilliant moment.
How can this game possibly be good? Well, at this point, it was fun enough, so I stuck with it, and honestly, it was a ton of fun. I feel horrible. This is seriously the most epically lame story ever, but, it was great. The real charm is the script and voice acting. The game doesn't really take itself too terribly seriously. There are some fun moments in the dialogue and it is well acted.
The gameplay is not the most amazing thing ever, but it is FUN. It's just fun. You combine skittles to blow s#$t up. How awesome is THAT??
If you can find it cheep, play it for a laugh and an unforgettably bizarre gaming experience.