Great Story Line Crap Graphics
When reviewing games I'm the sort of guy to keep it blunt and to the point, I dont take any prisoners and will hit you with how I felt playing it. WIth the story line set aside my first impression was not good, the graphics are below average to down right crap. With the money I spent on building my rig I expect more for my money.
I had no issue with running the game on full graphics, my rig is GTX295 Graphics card, i7 processor 4gig ram, however no matter how good your PC is its all down to the software company as to how they will use your hardware.
If I had any advice to the makers "8Monkey Labs" it would be this, update your frigging game engine you bunch of monkeys it belongs in 2003 FOR GOD SAKES, either that or get in your time machine and travel back to the date where your software might be more at home!. Also your AI sucks hard.
So there you have it great idea/story line, shoit graphics. Sound isnt bad though.