Not only is the story absolutly crazy, but it looks like it belongs on the original xbox. I mean I saw it and I laughed.
Not only is the story absolutly crazy, but it looks like it belongs on the original xbox. I mean I saw it and I laughed like "ha ha thats funny the graphics will get better righ?" wrong they didn't and I almost cried. I have HDMI and I thought that I just pulled out my ps2.
Then the story from the demo was absolutly terrible. You start off as a guy from the battle from little big rock in some time back when the west was still the Louisiana purchase. He gets shot with an arrow and is about to die, but oh hey somebody from the future comes and saves you. For some reaon this guy is the only person that can help find a missing Dr who made time travel possible or something like that. Now that comes to a problem with me. How the he11 does somebody from a time that was never close to time travel have something even remotly to do with the future?
From afar the game looks like fun because they say you go back to the past and do some classic battles, normally I would object to old time war games but this was different cause they said you could use casual with classic weapons. Also from the trailers it looked alot better.
DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT BUY THIS GAME OR RENT IT FOR THAT MATTER BECAUSE IT IS A SAD EXCUSE FOR A GAME OF THIS GENERATION. Maybe if it came out for the ps2 or xbox (it wouldn't look any different) it might have been good if players could get passed the story and just play.