Like nothing you've played before, but almost
Game has an interesting concept, traveling through time, and trying to set things straight. You get to use muskets, old revolvers, as well as some lever action and some WW1 bold action rifles, and semi auto pistols. Also get some futuristic stuff from time to time. It never seems to bother anyone else on the battle field that you're walking around with an assault rifle and they have a musket, or that you're fighting with the Russians in WW1 and don't speak Russian. Also, your superior keeps talking about things like C4, and trucks, and only when mentioning pizza does he remember that you are from the early 1800's.
That being said, the weapons act like you'd expect, the reload can be a pain, but not that big a deal. The weapons bring down the enemy pretty effectively. Some people you aren't allow to kill, they are highlighted in blue, and that's were the guns fall apart. Often you'll target a leg, or a shoulder, like the game tells you, and it'll be a kill shot. This means you loose an upgrade point, and after a couple times, enemy agents show up, and if you kill them, you can pick up a couple good weapons.
Graphics aren't anything to write home about. Story is interesting, however short and unvaried. In all, you play 4 different time periods, and there should have been more. American Civil war and WW1 are the main battle grounds. WW2 shows up for like 2 levels and all you end up seeing is a POW camp (and no SGT Shults or Col. Klink, "Hogan!") and finally Pompeii, just before it disappears. So, a lot of missed opportunities.
So, game is short, frustrating blue people, and sub par graphics. However, a good time while it lasts.