Could have been better.

User Rating: 7 | Darksiders II X360
Darksiders II takes off at a good pace and starts with an okay story to pick up after Darksiders I. Unfortunately, there is just not good story maintenance throughout the entire game. Basically, the game drops the "story ball" as one progresses. ***SPOILER*** The ending is probably the most pitiful boss fight in the entire game. Definitely a let down in that instance. There some positives the game though. Darksiders II controls are fluid and easy to grasp within the first 2 hours of play. The graphics are good for what THQ was going for. No framerate issues at all during my 30+ hours of play and my xbox never froze once. Guess the patch did the trick because I heard a lot of complaints in this department pre-patch. The game tries to blend in the qualities of Prince of Persia, God of War, and a little Zelda. In theory this should be an awesome game. But instead THQ failed to execute the mixture in a way to meet my expectations. Not to say its a fail but only a cup half full to be more precise.