Stability aside Darksiders 2 takes a leap in the right direction.
In game you follow the exploits of Death, The Pale Horseman. Set During War's one hundred year imprisonment Death seeks answers to the premature end-war while seeking to undo the events of the past.
As well as containing impressive graphics and a new level progression and gear system the game somehow has the odd ability to affect your real life. After playing for what seemed like an hour or two i checked my phone to find 4 hours had passed and i had three texts and a two missed calls.
A few minor changes took a few minutes of getting used to. Death is not able to perform a double jump and the swimming controls have changed slightly. This does not affect the overall experience, you just might find yourself wondering why you weren't able to jump over that rather large gap.
The Parkour style wall running/climbing ability has led to tons of sprawling dungeons and frustrating challenges. The abilities themselves are fantastic. Excellently done with total fluidity.
That said there have been some issues with stability. Over 40-50 Hours of gameplay I personally have experienced 3 crashes. The auto-save worked brilliantly, starting me exactly where I crashed however this is still an issue to be looked at.
Overall an excellent experience that leaves you wanting for more without giving you too little.