Loads of action, different levels of challenge, great premise!
The graphics are great. Sometimes there is a jump in them or a small glitch which I hear they are working on an update. While that it is there it is not enough to ruin gameplay. All the environments are made really well. The game makes it believable that you are fighting in a post apocalyptic environment. Even in the fighting the graphics are amazing; whether it is the sword or the scythe being used.
I almost sold the game to GameStop because of one the characters that was for the longest time impossible for me to beat. Taimat, one the end guys for a level was just hard for me. I am glad I did not sell the game right away. I eventually beat the character and moved on in the game. I consider this a plus because this Taimat thing was challenging enough to where I could not beat him right away but so challenging that the next day I tried it I was able to beat it. I don't care for cool looking games that are too easy that it feels like a walkthrough.
Something that I wish they would have done better is the controls. Some of the combos or special powers are just too hard to always remember. It would have made the game even better if they had put all the powers etc. into a wheel that comes up (like Mass Effect).
Overall I give this game a 10 because it is just sweet. Anytime you can blow things up or swing a sword around that it bigger than you are and the game is actually good you're looking at a 10.