This HD combo pack is a real treat for "Darkstalkers" fans.

User Rating: 8 | Darkstalkers Resurrection X360

In the early 1990's, arcade rooms everywhere were flooded with fighting games. After the success of Capcom's "Street Fighter II", every video game company in the world developed numerous fighting titles. Amongst them were "Mortal Kombat", "Fatal Fury", "Primal Rage" and "Killer Instinct". Capcom added to their own stable of fighters with crossover titles such as "Street Fighter Vs. X-Men" and "Marvel Vs. Capcom". They even produced several updated versions of "Street Fighter II". But the one title that stood out, yet never caught on was their classic monster-based "Darkstalkers". A fighting game that included Dracula and The Wolf Man made in the Capcom style. It introduced many staples that are now standard features of the genre.

"Darkstalkers Resurrection" is a 2013 HD remaster of the second and third installments in the series. Not just a simple port with enhanced visuals, it includes many new options that fans will certainly appreciate. Online play, lobbies, training modes, challenges, unlockable artwork, multiple viewing options and YouTube sharing were added to the base games. Of course, the game is in the tradition of "Street Fighter II" with stylish character designs and over-the-top special moves. Visually appealing and easy to play, it is a fun title that deserves more attention than it originally received. If you've never played it, but are a fan of fighters, this HD double pack is worth having. I'd rate with an 8.4 out of 10.