Just a monotonous space shoot them up, Freelancer, X Series, EV Nova, Starfury all did it better.

User Rating: 3.9 | DarkStar One PC
First, if you are looking for true freedom, ship variety, weapon variety, or variety in general, look elsewhere.

You start and finish the game in the same ship. Yes it becomes better as you fly it and 'upgrade' it - but it's the same ship! It's dumbed down to the point that it hurts. Want to fly one of the many cool looking ships in the game? Sorry. You're stuck in Darkstar One! That pretty much takes any sense of true freedom right out of the game for me.

Guns offer very little variety. Yes you get stronger guns as you progress, but they all feel about the same. In fact combat in general is extremley dull and tedious. The AI simply flies in circles around you taking periodic shots at you. The guns are partially auto aiming, which is inevitable considering how quirky the combat feels; without it, you'd never hit a thing.

Space all looks the same, stations look the same, the distinct variety that Freelancer had isn't to be found in this game. I could find no desire to continue playing the game after about 5 hours.

The sound, just like the graphics, while amusing at first quickly becomes dull and then annoying as you hear the exact same taunt again and again and again.

There are no surprises in this game. The missions are dull and exactly what you would expec them to be from the description. Trading is as simplistic as it is incredibly borring - and pays horribly compared to missions. The combat feels exactly the same no matter who, what, where you're fighting. Freelancer was vastly supperior and this game is a huge step back.