I couldn't stop playing it, fun game with no replay value.

User Rating: 8.3 | DarkStar One PC
One of a few games that grabbed me from the beginning. I picked the game up on a whim; the price was right and I was a big fan of other space sims (Tie Fighter, Wing Commander, and Privateer). This genre just does not have many titles, especially new ones. The gameplay is fun, the graphics are better than I expected, the controls were close to perfect (logitech dual gamepad), and the sound and music were good.

This game is fun to play and easy to get into. You can slide the difficulty to fit your level, even in the middle of your career. The story is pretty linear and that can be a drag because the rest of the game is open. You can make a name for yourself as a bounty hunter, merchant, mercenary, pirate, etc. The more trade goods you deliver, the better the market prices are for you. You can travel to over 300 different star systems including earth; and they all different visually. The more places you visit, the more star systems open up for you. Some star systems contain secret pirate hideouts or shipwrecks which offer secret weapon upgrades! And that takes us to the best part of the game, upgrading your space ship. You decide how to upgrade your ship and your decisions will affect how well you are able to deal with stronger enemies. You can max out your wings (weapons) but will find that your engines and hull may hinder your overall package. The sound and music is good, but the voice acting is awful. If you can ignore the bad movie writing that went into this game you will be better off. I began to cringe everytime a cut scene came on because the acting made me want to hate my character and his companions. My advice is to use that time to get a coke or use the restroom.

I beat the game after a week of playing. I enjoyed myself, but was dissappointed that there is nothing to do after you win the game. This game has no re playability.

Good game that could have been a whole lot better.