Interesting and Intriguing Play, but Horrible Back-End Design

User Rating: 3.9 | DarkStar One PC
The gameplay and storyline seem to be developed enough to provide interest in continuing the game. There is also enough to do outside the primary plot to keep you busy (and quite wealthy) if you get a little tired of the same jaded main character plot. For that part it is decent.

Where it gets downright horrid is the absolute terrible design of the application itself. Outside of eating memory and rendering itself useless after 30-90 minutes of play, you are left with almost an inability to truly delve into the plot long-enough to develop a sentient attachment before your are cursing the screen due to shaky controls and extremely choppy graphics. This is when you realize that it has eaten through ~4 Gb of your pagefile. This is a space sim, which therefore means, that 95% of the graphics are stationary backdrops, why is it so difficult to run on an above average PC?