One game was the best ever(FreeLancer). In that game i liked many things like hiden spots, seacret bases. In DarkStar one you cant choose side like in freelancer. You cant work for bandits just smuggling and thats all. Galaxy is realy borring, in each system you can find only one trade ship, asteroyd and some research stations. You cany enter in planet only if you are playing in storyline you will have chance but not to buy something but just to wach cinematic story. Ships are all same(bandits has same type of space ships. Races has same ships too. And what is realy bad that if you will upgrade your ship all ships will be harder to kill. I finished darkstar one and came back to primary system all ships shooted at me with hight class weapons thats realy bad! Bounty missions are all same, you can see in prise like if you will take mission to kill pirates you wil have two choises first is cheaper search and destroy 4+- ships, other cost more its to assasinate boss and thats all. In all systems all mission are same, just different faces and systems. Short story line, you can finish it in less than week. Unlimited ships, you cant occupy system for some one else. If you will try to kill police you will see thats its usless, trade station cant be destroyed and police will come from station with unlimited ships. So why its 1dvd? Is this game all in graphics, couse virtual intellect is not so good at all.
Right from the very start you are tossed into a lively universe that is not revolving around you. There are many ways for you to interact with your surroundings and NPCs e.g. police scans for smuggled goods, and fly non... Read Full Review
Here's a game where I totaly knew what to expect from before I even put the DVD into my drive. The reason why is because Space Sims have turned into a very generic genre. It's been 7 years since Freespace 2, and since ... Read Full Review