Was encouraged by the notion that DarkStar One would be a new, more modern Freelancer. Well, quite simply...it isnt.

User Rating: 1 | DarkStar One PC
Generally i trust Gamespot reviews and after playing through Freelancer multiple times and finding it a somewhat addictive (though admittedly repetitive) game i was looking forward to this as a possible replacement for a game which, sadly, is starting to show it's age.
After launching the game i was immediately put off by the unexpectedly high lag. When passing the minimum requirements and even JUST reaching the recommended requirements you expect the game to run a bit more smoothly on minimum settings. Ignoring this i pressed into the game and after only about 10 minutes or so the game crashed. After a quick 'oh well' i restarted the game and continued from where it auto-saved...only to have the game crash again a few minutes later.
After installing the 1.3 patch not only does it still crash repeatedly but i also have an issue with the sound. After two hours of going through settings and even reinstalling the game i got nowhere solving the problems and so it's allready been un-installed.
Bugs aside, the voice acting was terrible and what little i saw of DarkStar One actually looked pretty uninspiring. If you're after a good space-sim then stick to Freelancer. It's 'replacement' doesnt exist yet.