Almost a classic but no cigar.
Game Spot is a great site, but sometimes they are flawed in their reviews. To me WC3 and 4, Privateer, Freelancer, and Tachyon the Fringe, were all classics, IE 9.0 or above.
One can't help but walk away from Dark Star One, (DSO) without thinking there was a great game to be had here. Sadly, there isn't. It's a good game, not a great one.
All great reviewers and Computer Gamers will tell you that the interface makes or breaks a game. The "KISS" principle should always prevail. (Keep it simple Sammy) There is a lot of comparisons to Freelancer and this game-which might be unfair-the first thing you would have to compare is how simple the ground and flight interface on Freelancer is compared to DSO.
In flight on DSO is way to complex to complete the mission.
There is no way to back out of missions that are too hard.
However, the graphics are great the story line is good, and Combat is ok. It just should and could have been so much better.