Surprisingly good game
Its not very complex - you basically upgrade you ship and acquire ever more powerful weapons as you move through various systems identifying clues to solve a mystery (who was responsible for your fathers death) and also protect the universe for bad elements. It does get a little repetitive as basically you are doing space dogfighting for the entire game but there are various different missions you can go on to move through the story or acquire cash for ship upgrades. The game does have a trading element although this seems a bit of an afterthought. The main way to get through the game is to defeat bad guys - fighting pirate gangs is a good way to obtain weapons as once you defeat them (and receive cash for doing so), they always leave behind a powerful weapon that you can install in your ship. I found myself looking for pirate gangs to defeat in order to quickly build up cash and weaponry.
The end was pretty anticlimatic for me. A relatively easy mission completes the game off. It was a bit unsatisfying considering the rest of the game was quite rewarding. There are a couple of annoying flak missions which seem a little out of place in the game and quite difficult to complete but other that those issues, the game is well worth playing and can be purchased on steam for just a few bucks currently.