A game that promises much, but fails to deliver - an interesting start followed by too much same-old, same-old.
For the first few hours the game consisted of entertaining fights with pirates, completing various missions, trading goods in between, buying new, more powerful weapons and equipment, upgrading the ship and following the storyline.
Sadly not much changed. Sector for sector one would amass enough money to get a new drive, collect all artifacts to upgrade the ship, hunt down the pirate gangs for improved weapons, and then complete the storyline mission, moving on to the next sector.
Once there one would amass enough money to get a new drive, collect all artifacts to upgrade the ship, hunt down the pirate gangs for improved weapons, and then complete the storyline mission, moving on to the next sector.
Wash rinse and repeat. When the research station contacts you for the 7th time to "check out odd readings from that satellite" one just wants to scream "its two pirates, hacking the sat, they will have data that leads to a depo and more pirates"