this - loading screens = one good game

User Rating: 8 | Darkstone: Evil Reigns PS
To start off, this game is much better than its gamespot score portrays. If you look past the graphics, which hardly make a difference in gameplay, and endure the long loading screens for each area, this game is really an enjoyable game.

For $8, which is what I paid for it, this game is for sure the cash. I've spent fifty on many games that I no longer would even think about picking up again, but this is one of those games that you might every now and then go back to. The thing about it is its replay value. The game's storyline is straight-forward. View the opening cinematic and then go on an adventure to slay the evil dragon. Along the way, you need to collect a crystal from each zone you go through by completing the randomly generated quest. Each time you start a new game or continue a completed game, a new set of quests are generated in the same areas you may have gone through in a previous game. This is a nice + for the game's replay value.

As of right now, with all these games with great graphics and amazing gameplay, this particular gem is something that if you missed, its not too big of a deal. It feels like diablo so if you liked it you might want to try this out. Again, with all the fantastic games around, you might not want to look into this as you'll find the long load screens enough for you to just turn off your console.

Overall, I would recommend this game as long as you don't have the patience of someone who isn't very patient. You know what I mean.