Mowing down hell's finest in the wild wild west is oh so satisfying.
User Rating: 9 | Darkwatch XBOX
If shooting up average, uninspired soldiers in a dismal jungle is getting a little too old for you then grab a copy of Darkwatch. This game presents original ideas and solid gameplay to boot. Its a thrill ride of the undead and western vampyrism. The weapons are well designed and a breath of fresh air from the standard shotgun, rifle, other rifle set up. Another great aspect of the game is vampire powers. They play a handy role if your low on health, up against a boss, or just feel like it. There's even two sets of powers which will be determined through a moral choice system via devouring souls and drinking blood. The visuals are great, every hellspawn looks gruesome and blowing off their body parts looks even better. The atmosphere is just right, with levels like an abandoned mine, a creepy church, a haunted navajo canyon, and various ghost towns the setting is perfect for some monster mashing. The story is nothing special but since when has a shooter come and revolutionized the playing field with its wordy wordy talky talky. Its a real good time type of game, and has high replay value with the two 'good and evil' courses to take which ultimately lead to a different ending and powers to use. An A+ shooter, and one of Capcom's best.