But now that I think about it, maybe just a good qualtiy sequel to Darkwatch will satisfy my FPS hunger for something different. And by different I mean a story line that doesn't revolve around "In the Future" and "Mankinds last hope". No, in this game its "In the Deep Dark West" and "Mankinds last hope".... Well at least one part of the story line was different. Most should already know that you play Jericho Cross and your a bad mofo trainrobber with one last score that will set you up for life. Now given the fact that you need this robbery to be setup for life, you would hopefully had done some research to realize that: 1. its not carrying Gold. 2. Walking dead are not a good sign of things to come. But Jericho, being a good True Grit kinda cowboy presses on (also the fact that you cant jump off the train kinda keeps you on this path.) Well anyways, to jump ahead, you get bit, become a half-vampire (they explain the differences in the game I think), get initiated in the Darkwatch and are out to destroy the vampire that bit you to regain your humanity. The gameplay I found to be pretty fun, especially the close combat system. All of your guns (and rocket launcher) also function as close combat weaponry that is rather satisfying to use. Jumping in the air, you could get a 2nd boost by jumping again or cancel the jump and come straight down. The aiming was simple and when going into ranged vision (blood vision) everything turned red (except with the sniper rifle thank god. That would have been a nightmare.) You had your typical assortment of weapons, pistol, rifle, shotgun, dual pistols sniper rifle and of course TnT. Of course your weapons all had that feel of being more advanced that the typcial ones from the wild west. The visuals were pretty nice and there was a cutscene inbetween each level to kind of update you on the story line. My particular favorite was watching some good old fashion half-vampire on female sex scene (which didn't reveal much but a lot of grinding and the usual lustful bite.) The voice acting was ok, but I think any western game that is made in the future should have a voice option. You could sound like John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, James Stewart, Henry Fonda, Gregory Peck, etc... That would have been SWEEET! Instead we get the strong silent type. The music score... Well lets just say I finished the game two weeks before writing this (to reflect and finish other games) and it obviosuly didn't leave a lasting impression on me. So it wasn't bad, just not memorable. Now since I don't have XBox live, this review is for the single player aspects of the game. It was a bit brief but truly an enjoyable experience to play this game.
I had anticipated darkwatch since it was announced in 2003, so i may be a bit bias. Though not the best shooter ever, Darkwatch give shooter fans something new instead of constant military and sci-fi games. Darkwatch is ... Read Full Review
Cowboys and Vampires, talk about a strange combination! Yet perhaps it’s not as strange as one might imagine. This seemingly odd pairing brings to mind director Josh Whedon’s Firefly (tv series) and Serenity (movie) th... Read Full Review