Seems very TimeSplitters-ish...but overall pretty good

User Rating: 7.1 | Darkwatch XBOX
I have not beat Darkwatch yet, I just got it yesterday, and havent played it that much, but from what I have seen, it appears very timesplitters-ish with the weird character models and odd theme, but overall so far it has been a fun game, Good graphics, great rag doll effects, awsome weapons, and a decent story line make this game a fun game to play if your into FPS, I wouldn't declare it a must have game, but its a fun time passer if you know what I mean. Its not too hard, in fact it kinda lacks challenge, and there is a lack of diversity in the enemies, you keep fighting the same enemies for the span of the game. Im near the end already so I must agree with the others it is WAY too short! But all in all its a fun game, plus multiplayer is pretty cool, but you want at least 4 people or else it deems itself worthless. So this game gets my approval as a fun fps, though a bit cliche, all in all its pretty okay!