There is really not much to say about this game....and not much point in playing after finishing it...
Gameplay:Like I said, not much to say about this game.....except the game itself. Its some game made by some guy who won a competition or something. Its a pretty rudimentary game,with two campaigns.... you can play as either the T-Rex or the Truck. When playing as the T-Rex you have to eat all the trucks and prevent them from delivering the Doritos to finish the level, and also at the same time cause destruction to gain points. There are 6 levels....and with each passing level you gain some upgrades to the corresponding "character" as the levels get harder. As the Truck, you do the exact opposite of what the T-Rex is doing. Its almost about the same though, except that you're on the run. Just play the game and you will see.
Graphics: You can really tell here that they put no effort whatsoever in taking advantage of the 360's capabilities. I know its an arcade game, but something like Assault Heroes looked pretty good. Bottom line, I've seen gamecube games that look better than this.
Sound: Its funny, with all the people screaming, small explosions, buildings falling down.
This game is just a big fat ad for Doritos. Trust me, I was hungry while playing this game, but I wasn't craving Doritos. If you're an achievement junkie like myself, get this game. Its 200 gamerscore is up for grabs...This game is free. Just spend a little less than 30 minutes of your time on this game, and you will get your 200 gamerscore. Bottom line, this game is only good for achievements....a small boost to your gamerscore. The game doesn't suck.....but....yeah can't really explain. Hell at least its better than Yaris.