Everyone says this is a great game, don't listen to them

User Rating: 2 | Daxter PSP

Daxter started out as a pretty good game, and I liked it. But after awhile the game got harder and not as fun. First of all, the game's plot is that you're an exterminator going after alien bugs instead of going after real enemies like in Jak ii and 3, Daxter's weapons are not like the ones Jak had. They're just these stupid spray guns whose ammo goes down much faster than Jak's guns do and each of the spray guns (which don't harm other people just the bugs) don't have there own individual ammo they all share the same amo meter. You need a lot more precursor orbs to unlock the game's secrets than you need in Jak ii and 3. And once you're done, you're done. At least in Jak ii and 3 after you have beaten the game you can have fun going around stealing people's vehicles and shooting them and cops, and Daxter doesn't have any powers like Jak's ability to turn into dark Jak and light Jak which each give him different kinds of powers. So take my advice rent it before you buy it