A technically-driven game, but playing as a "bug exterminator"....

User Rating: 8.5 | Daxter PSP
Let me just confess something: Jak II is one of my all time favorite games amongst the great roster of PS2 titles. So, this one being a prequel to it I was stoked about it. Here's a quickie on the review.

GOOD: Best look platformer (and probably best game period) on the PSP. Level designs and props are so amazing that it even surpasses many hyped-up console platformers. Main character Daxter retains his humor w/o being annoying (oh yea, and he makes a great main character too). The "dream sequence" are hilarious as they are fun to play (Matrix kung-fu, anyone?).

BAD: This just might be my personal prefrences, but I found the story-arc of being a bug exterminator to be completely random and awkward amongst the awesomeness of everything else. Gameplay was a bit too easy at times. No-open world like Jak II? (but then again, this is just me)