Daxter is a hero after all

User Rating: 9.2 | Daxter PSP
Daxter is a brilliant game and probably the best game for the PSP so far.
If you are a fan of the Jak and Daxter series this game is a must.
Daxter is telling stories in a bar when a man named Osmos who runs an exterminator company hires him. Daxter must eliminate these metal bugs (metal heads). The story doesn't really get going until halfway in. While you are exterminating bugs Jak's location will be discovered by you and new enemies will be met and defeated.
This storyline really ties up loose ends from other Jak games.
This game keeps you coming back as you need to collect Precursor orbs to unlock everything.
The first things you unlock are dream sequences which make fun of some of the best films ever. Daxter as Neo from Matrix, Indiana Jones and even Gandalf from Lord of The Rings. These mini games are brilliant and unlock some fun things to use.
The only problem with this game is that it is incrediably short but good while it lasts.