awsome game with a few flaws

User Rating: 9 | Daxter PSP
daxter continues the jack and daxter franchise.this was kinda different since in used to playin as jak.this was also not gonna say much about the game ,yul hav to play it to find more about it.the4re hav been a few flaws,such angle 2.fighting.the camera angle get s confusing at times even though u can control them.and at timed u hav no idea where u are supposed to go or where you are going.the fighting does get a little dull since he can only do 1 combo and nothin else.the fighting does make the action a little boring.i dont even know why im writing this since i didnt even finish th egame but oh well!.one of the ebst things is the dream games where u play as if u are in the movie.i personally like matrix and indiajones.u hav to time ur button pressing when the enemy lands on the circle and hits the button which appears.there a lot of minigames in the mission too.there is also a multiplayer mose which is the bug comabt.u evem get upgrades as u progress through the game.well thats all i hav to say.think game also hav gorgeus graphics probably the best in the psp.i would recomend this to anyone who has a psp.