Solid Platformer that falls short of the AAA status bestowed upon it by Gamespot!

User Rating: 7 | Daxter PSP
Sometimes I hate review scores. Oftentimes I find myself feeling more down on a game then I think I would had I had not seen the review score beforehand. Daxter falls into this category.

I saw the 9.1 score that Gamespot gave this game and I thought I was in for a great game. I mean heck according to Gamespot a score in the 8-range is considered to be great and this game scored in the 9's! Well after putting a lot of hours into this game (Almost beat it, but not quite), I have to say this game is definitely not a 9-calibur game.

Besides the graphics which are quite beautiful at times, the game does nothing great. The platforming and combat are both ok, they don't stand out as being particularly fun but they don't suck either; pretty generic if you ask me. I usually don't notice audio in games, but in this game I did and it was because I didn't like the music, it didn't seem to go with game sometimes. The voice acting was pretty good though. As for replay value, I didn't finish the game but I did put in a lot of hours and I can say that this game definitely packs enough content for a portable game.

BTW, I've put this game down and actually started playing the original Jak & Daxter for the PS2 to see how it compares and I can say that the PS2 game is definitely way better.

In conclusion, this game in my opinion is just an "ok" platformer with great visuals and a few extras. If not for the visuals and those extras this game would be mediocre.