A great game, with just Daxter and not Jak.

User Rating: 9.5 | Daxter PSP
In this sequel on the PSP, you are Daxter, AKA "Orange lightning", a sly ottsel whom must take up a bug extermination job to save his "dear" friend Jak. You get a fly swatter, and a bug spray gun that shoots many things. You can drive around, or walk, climb walls, and even hover! The levels are VERY fun to do, and require careful examination and skill to maneuver. Sometimes, it may take a few tries to finish! You will revisit levels sometimes, but it is totally different once you do. Boss fights are intense, and these too can take many tries to finally master the technique. When you jump onto your bed, you can do a minigame called a dream sequence, and each are about a movie, where you wait for enemies to be ontop of certain circles with X, O, [], or /\. You collect precursor orbs, as you have before, and those unlock secrets and new dream sequences. Your enemies are called metal bugs, and when defeated, you get bug gems. These are usually needed to complete a job, so smash as many as you can!

My personal favorite minigame in this game, is bug combat. It is like rock paper scissors TO THE MAX! You collect bugs in your adventure, and give them more power or tokens, to gain an upper hand during combat. The 3 attacks are trap, countering claw, claw, countering spit, and spit countering trap. You can use the tokens you give the bug to change attacks, or defend against ones you are hopeless against. You can even heal your own bug!

All in all, this is DEFINITELY worth it and even comes in the silver PSP package (where I got mine)