Wow, this is the best Half Life Mod of all!

User Rating: 9.4 | Day of Defeat PC
When Half-Life hit the shelves in '98, it was hailed as being the First-person-shooter genre's lifesaver. It breathed life into a stale genre, and is to this day considered one of the best PC games by many. It continues to thrive not only because of its compelling adventure, but because of its easy-to-develop-for multiplayer engine. There are tons of mods available, and some have even been picked up and made available as standalone games, such as Counter-Strike. Day of Defeat is the latest to use the Half-Life engine for multiplayer gaming, and it's just as good as ever. Everything from the graphics to the gameplay make this game solid. Highly recomended for all those Half Life fans are a little bored with CS, this game will solve your boredom issues.