Day of Defeat Review by R3dEmptioNz.

User Rating: 3 | Day of Defeat PC
Day of Defeat.. What is this ! this has to be the worst WWII game i have played, ye it is an old game, but this is disapointing, the low graphics are so bad it could even appear to be 2D on some PC's.

Well.. Graphics aint everything, still its a classic Valve pack game, cant complain as its free with a Steam pack with Counter Strike and Counter strike condition zero etc... its worth playing if you are / have...

- Low Spec PC
- Bored
- Love WWII games
- Some how, Like the game ?

There is obviously the new Day of Defeat running on the Source engine, That's a little beta but, i wouldn't say in my mind, Day of Defeat is the best WWII shooters, like some good ones such as ..

- Call of Duty Series
- Day of Defete Source
- MoH
- Etc....

But anyway i know that there are alot of people out there who play this game, when i went on the server screen there was a fair few playing. its not realy my type of game and found it Dissapointing,
